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Let me share my biggest mistake about exercise.

Exercise and physical activity have always been a huge part of my life. Nothing compares to the way you feel during and after a workout, and the sense of accomplishment that you earned it.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You don’t have to beat yourself into the ground, day-in and day-out, to be a fit & healthy person.

I know this because I’ve been that person. To be honest, I used to love the feeling of being totally exhausted after a workout. Maybe it was pure youth that allowed me to carry out this plan while still be able to function the following days.

However, the more I did this, the more I noticed how it was wearing on my mind and body. It was totally unsustainable. I was experiencing nagging injuries, irritation and hunger (all the time), and everything became a chore.

I used to think that if I didn’t work out hard every day, that I would lose my fitness and aesthetics. Wow, was that mindset so far from the truth.

I’ve learned over the years that a happy medium exists between really crushing a workout and doing the simple basics that are needed to improve, because I’m in this for the long haul.

For me, exercise is and should be part of your everyday life. Its all about sustainability and enjoying the fruits of your labor. Exercise is medicine and when dosed appropriately will change your life for the better.

Team up with me and let’s make exercise part of your everyday life. Click the link below to apply and let’s start the conversation!

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Hello everyone!

My name is Nick Trubee. I’m an online personal trainer and a former university professor of Exercise Physiology. I am the passionate founder/owner of Trubee Health where connecting the dots between your fitness and overall health are my specialty.

My passion is helping clients transform their lives through safe, progressive training that is evidence based. Training that has a clear transfer from the exercises you perform to your everyday real-world needs, without the constant threat of injury or soreness that wears on your mind and body.

Over the past 5 years I have been fortunate to work with amazing clients. Those that have been living in physical pain for decades have successfully progressed from barely making it through the day to thriving doing activities they love and enjoy. Others have enhanced their strength and physical capacity to live a limitless life. Fitness and ability are easily taken for granted until activities that we know and love are taken away from us. Let’s not be a prisoner of our own bodies any longer.

I currently live in Lexington, KY. I formerly taught at the University of Kentucky before starting Trubee Health in 2018, while my wife is an Internal Medicine physician at a local hospital. We are the lucky parents to our three kiddoes, Graham (7), Miles (4) and Rowan (1). We love the outdoors (one reason we love living in KY), hiking, traveling to the beach, and everything in between.

The idea for Trubee Health sprouted years ago when we were living in Cleveland, OH. My wife and her physician group were pushing exercise to their patients before going down the path of prescribing medication and/or surgery. The only problem, there were no trustworthy professionals prescribing exercise as medicine for real people to apply to their daily lives to improve overall health & fitness.

With that in mind, I decided it was time to become that resource, as so many people could benefit from what Trubee Health offers. A conservative approach to fitness that masters the basics. At Trubee Health, we teach your body how to move, to understand the importance of technique and the “why.” You will learn skills, mindset, habits, how to listen to your body and understand your needs, etc. during the time we work together. These skills aren’t meant to last a short period of time, but to last a lifetime.

I am the last piece to your fitness and wellness puzzle. Join the Trubee Health team and let’s tackle this beast together! Click the link below to apply and let’s start the conversation!

Click here & SIGN ME UP!

Let’s go all in on this together!