How I will help…

I am terrified of being a prisoner of my own body. I love to hike with my family, run with my friends, golf on the weekends, workout on lunch break, take on home projects and yard work, and most importantly enjoy life without any restrictions. These are the reasons I take health and fitness seriously, and I’m thankful that I’m able to do all of these activites unhindered.

The Trubee Health online fitness program has been crafted to establish a fitness foundation. Exercises and movements will improve strength & mobility, posture, balance & stability, and body composition. Enhancing these attributes leads to injury prevention, decreased occurrence of injury, a noticeable improvement of daily activities, and provides a strong platform for any adventure life throws your way.

Your program will include…

  • A fitness program that masters the basics and transfers to your real-life needs.
  • Simple, effective & do-able, where learning exercise techniques and movement progressions is emphasized.
  • Workouts that can be done at your gym or home. There are some things you will need, but your program will be hand crafted to meet your needs and goals.
  • Weekly face-to-face virtual check-in calls. These are a staple of the program that allow us to develop a trusting relationship.
  • Access to exercise videos and instruction with specific cues on technique, breathing, and muscle activation.
  • Access to me via text/phone/email with any questions you have.
  • Personal coaching to meet your needs.

Team up with me and lets tackle this together! Click the link below to apply today!

Click here & SIGN ME UP!

Click here & SIGN ME UP!